I made two of these, as christmas presents for my sisters. At the time, this was the largest poster I'd done by hand.
Pen to paper has always been go-to. Even when I'm writing, my first draft is typically done on college-ruled paper with my favorite pen in hand. This was how I wrote the first draft of my 74 page masters thesis, so I imagine the old-school method will always be my first choice.
When I moved to Nashville and didn't know anyone, I decided to take comfort in the old pen and paper while also teaching myself a new skill, brush lettering. Many new art supplies and episodes of One Tree Hill later, I found myself enjoying watercolors and brush pens way more than I ever thought I could.
It's mostly just a hobby that helps get my creative juices flowing, but it has served me well. I've commissioned a few pieces for friends and family, I send snail mail to everyone I know, and I've been able to slowly expand my skills beyond simple faux-calligraphy.
Shower Invitation

An invitation for baby shower for a friend, that matches the theme of her nursery.
Proposal Poem
I had the honor of being asked to hand letter this poem, which my friends fiancé wrote and used to propose to her. He originally wrote the poem on a piece of notebook paper, but they wanted a larger copy of it to frame and hang on their wall, and after showing them some samples of my handwriting, I was so happy that they trusted me with this project.

Snail Mail
I use snail mail as on opportunity to practice my lettering skills, making quick cards and letters for my friends and neighbors.